Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Just before going back to Poland....

I gathered a lot of things within these 6 months in Nijmegen. I didn't even notice, that I was collecting more and more things. Finally it turned out that it is impossible for me to pack all my stuff into two suitcases only( Plus quilt and blankets and everything what I got from people who were traveling by planes).
My father agreed to come by car to the Netherlands and pick me up. And all my stuff :) THANK GOD ! He was going anyway - so I asked him to bring my friends as well. Anna and Martin came with my dad. We met on the airport in Eindhoven, about 9:30 in the morning. They were there too early, and were forced to wait in the car since 5 am ! I felt really sorry for them, but at the same time I had terrible time on the plane... (the reason is known by few, proper people).
First day - we found our hotel La Residence, where my father was fighting with some chauvinistic dutch man, who was bothered with every single movement or talking... Ugh!
I was doing my best to prepare some nice dinner and indeed it was nice - but Martin didn't like one of the sandwiches :P We were in hurry, that's why this one was worse... :PAfter a short nap we were wandering throughout Nijmegen, sightseeing the city.

In the evening my dad wanted to rest and we went for a party in Lent. We brought a lot of alcohol, which Anna and Martin bought in Poland. Anna and Varun :)Scottish flag ;]Meredith and Martin Our supplies ;)
It was quite nice time, although I was really sad to be there for the last time in my life :(
On the second day we went to Amsterdam, where we visited everything according to the puzzle tour that we did when I was there with ISN. Otherwise I wouldn't know where to go, because I totally don't know the city (besides, till the second visit I disliked this sin city).
Green Nemo - the science museum, designed by Renzo Piano. Impressive.

Red light district
Canals Boat trip
We had a boat tour throughout the canals and were walking in the city center.

We became convinced that having a car in the Netherlans is not that cheap. We had to pay about 25 euros for 4 hours of parking on the street. Craze !

Because there was a carnival (saturday - monday) all the clubs were filled with people dressed up, but we just went to O'shea's to have a beer and smoke a joint on our way there. That was boozy night ! I had literally "pub crawl".. (thanks to bartender, who offered after hours "all drinks on house").
some random guys, one from South Africa, one Dutch. THe thing connecting them was that their girlfriends are sisters from Sandomierz (they spoke a little polish, Jesus the things they were repeating were terrible...)
Chill ;] After Carnival in Maastricht we had a guest in our hotel - Robbie came dressed up in his kilt ;)

On monday we went to the University Campus, to eat something in the Refter. After that we went to Maastricht, where the greatest carnival party in the city center takes place. It was really amazing, how people can have fun there. No stress, no worries. All the shops are closed for those 3 days in a year.

Dutch street art

I decided to try HAARING - the typical dutch fish (herring). IT WAS AWFUL ! I was so thirsty afterwards, that I felt like I could drink the whole lake of water !

famous dutch toilets ;]

Dutch order
Jaeger!!! ;D

After that we left and started our 9hours journey back to Poland.
For me it was really sad. I started to feel good in Holland. Coming back to reality is always painful. But hey - that was not the last journey in my life (although the longest).
I gotta keep my head up, eh? ;)

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