Therefore we could think rationally - we planned our journey to the airport very quickly, according to the idea "the later we leave the longer we sleep".
We almost missed the train at 7:43, we didn't even buy the tickets, cause we had no coins.
We were lucky in Hertogenbosch, we had a train after couple of minutes.
In Eindhoven our time was still very good - we had 30 minutes to get to the airport.
Of course on both of the taxi stops there were no available taxis. The bus was leaving at 9:12. The check in was closed at 9:20. At 9:10 the bus driver announced, that the bus broke down and we have to leave.
We were very lucky again - the taxi appeared. The woman kept repeating: "Oh oh, so I have to hurry, I have to hurry" but the car didn't ride too quickly... Apparently she forgot to synchronize her thoughts with the car.
I was running to the check-in... but all I saw was: "Barcelona, check in CLOSED". Random worker of Ryanair called somebody and told us, that we can still enter the board, but... without the lagguage!
"Of course!" - we said "We're going, we don't need Mariona's 3 suitcases with all her things, let's leave it!". But after some few minutes we decided not to leave our lagguages, cause we thought that all this stuff might be somehow useful one day.... ;]
Mariona bro booked the ticket for us, from Amsterdam, on the same day.
GOD BLESS JORDI !!!!! Without him we would turn into homeless' sleeping on the airport for 24 hours, brushing our teeth in the Water Closet on the smallest Airport Nicole has ever seen !!!!!
That would be a nightmare indeed ;]
We had to go to Amsterdam and at 6:30 we had a flight. In the meantime we were the greatest attraction of the airport, sleeping on every table we found on the airport.
Oh I almost forgot, I wanted to kill somebody again with my pocketknife from Swiss, which about I always forget, carrying it in my bag. BUT ! They didn't throw it away, they let me send my own pocket knife to myself for ONLY 15 euros....(I received it yesterday btw).
It was as a miracle that we got on the plane. I felt like we will never sit down there...
Finally, after the most terrible day I could imagine we Landed in Barcelona, where the weather started to spoil us like a small children :)
Mariona entering the airport in Barcelona :)
What about the best "welcome committee" in the whole world??? :)
that's true... i just missed you holding a big poster with: "I WAS WAITING FOR U IN GIRONA 4 ONE DAY, YOU'R LATE!!! - Steff"
But apart from this lil issue I think is the best welcome committe I ever had!!!! :P
So funny post zuza!
I wanted to do a poster but I was so incredibly tired from partying in Girona (!!!) all night long that I woke up just right before Jordi and me had to pick u up at the airport, sorry girls... the next time ;)
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