First of all - we were sleeping till the early afternoon...
But hey - we deserved it without any doubt ! :)
But hey - we deserved it without any doubt ! :)
We ate dinner outside, on the balcony, because it was really warm.
The view from Mariona's balcony is astonishing !
Below - two pictures from Sabadell, where we wandered through the main street, Ramblas and bought a lot of quasi-haribo in Gumin's shop :)
The food was YUMMY !!!!!!!!!!!
Even though the food was delicious, I think I couldn't live there, because after one month I could join SUMO and compete with them... :D
So lovely post :D
Suzanna treus unes fotos molt boniques; tot es perfecta; casa ,nosaltres inclús Sabadell es veu mono...La realitat es mes crua.
Tenir a dues amigues de la meva filla a casa ha estat per mi una experiencia "heavy",no poder comunicar-ti per parlar llengues diferents ,aixó a vosaltres els joves ja no us pasa.Una barrera menys.
La postal que ens vas deixar hem va emocionar.De tot cor et dic que quan vulguis aquí tens uns amics i una casa.
Sort en la vida i Salut. Una abraçada.Àngels (la mare de Mariona).
Ella ja t'ho traduirá,ara dorm.Ho sento !
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