We went to Barcelona again, where we met Lidia.
This day can be simply called "Gaudi's Day", because we spent whole day visiting the most popular buildings of this phenomenal architect.
First building was Casa Batllo

Another building, with incredible roof (unfortunately there was no available helicopter for us to take the phots from above), so I had to buy a postcard :)

The main point of the day was La Sagrada Familia - it's being built since many many years (since 1884). It's still not ready.

The whole construction is incredibly high, looking up made me dizzy !

This is how they work - a lot of parts of the temple are still on the very early stage of existence.

We took an elevator to go on the top of the Temple. The view was astonishing !

The way down was more complicated - we had to overcome hundreds of steps. Crazy ! :) I felt like in the Siegessaeule in Berlin )

On our way to Parc Guell !

Me in the park, striking a pose with cactus, which had loads of signatures of tourists on its leaves.

Because the Park is located on the little elevation, we could admire the whole beauty of bright and sunny Barcelona !

Mariona called this building "the penis of barcelona" but I believe it has some other, proper name :D

I love these trees

The main attraction of Parc Guell is this colorful creature (I guess it's a lizard, or some dragon), which unfortunately had an accident on the day before, some hooligans destroyed its eye. Huooooh ! :(

Gaudi's house

After Parc Guell we decided to go to some Museum, but it was all closed, because of "Antena - NO" demonstration (we wanted to shout: "Antena - SI", but were affraid of the crowds). At least we could see the museum (in some really nice palace) from far away, taking the photos of dancing fountain.

The dusk came and that was the time to go back home, to Barbera ;)
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