Thursday, April 12, 2007

Report from polish roads

Thank God they exist at all !

Although many times I truly doubt if these asphalt belts can be called "roads". And these funny people in my country want to build highways... Give me a break!
The sky was much more beautiful, but I focused on the uglier part of polish reality ;]

Photos below were taken on the way from Lodz to Warsaw.

you never know from which age these buildings that you pass by are...

Do You want to overtake? Don't mess with these guys ;]
Polish Patriots crossing the whole world !
Doesn't it look impressive? Many other countries in western Europe could learn from us, how to

build the thinest roads ! Minimum costs and maximum happyness ! Yeah! Very often you have to risk your life if you don't want to drive 10km/h in a long queue behind THIS MODERN VEHICLE called with a cute word "tractor"! Jupiyey !
This - this is railway. To cross it is very simple. Just wait for the barrier to go up (if the keeper won't fall asleep) and pass !
Keeper's house ;)
Some of the roads just cross the forests. In the wild you never know what can attack you. Beware of the wild animals. And frogs!

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