Sunday, April 22, 2007

Party in Poland...

So - the day came that I decided to sacrafice my house and make some party. I think it was worth it - although I can still smell the alcohol and the carpet is really full of drinks :)
There was a special guest - Meredith, who came to Poland on thursday and is visiting Anna.

Anna and me prepared lots of food and had to feed people because I guess drinking was more desireable than eating ;)
More or less it was 20 of us, about the girls from Red Bull arrived (with their groovy car!) and gave us loads of cans with red bull (it dissapeared pretty quickly though... :P).
About we went to the club, where beside us, there was a bad bad dj (I had some little fight with him ;) ) and a bartender.. ;)
No more words - the photos will tell you everything.

The very beginning
Michał & Grzes
from the left: Kuba, Dorota, Martin&Martin, Anna

Meredith, Anna, Jacek
Monika, Anna, Jacek
she has got them all ;)
This girl is a music maniac - Meredith knows all the latest songs ;)


what's up buddy?
to eat or not to eat...
aaaahm I could see the sky??

bartender !! he rox!

this is how we looked in the morning. Totally waisted ;]
Let's get some sleep !

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Report from polish roads

Thank God they exist at all !

Although many times I truly doubt if these asphalt belts can be called "roads". And these funny people in my country want to build highways... Give me a break!
The sky was much more beautiful, but I focused on the uglier part of polish reality ;]

Photos below were taken on the way from Lodz to Warsaw.

you never know from which age these buildings that you pass by are...

Do You want to overtake? Don't mess with these guys ;]
Polish Patriots crossing the whole world !
Doesn't it look impressive? Many other countries in western Europe could learn from us, how to

build the thinest roads ! Minimum costs and maximum happyness ! Yeah! Very often you have to risk your life if you don't want to drive 10km/h in a long queue behind THIS MODERN VEHICLE called with a cute word "tractor"! Jupiyey !
This - this is railway. To cross it is very simple. Just wait for the barrier to go up (if the keeper won't fall asleep) and pass !
Keeper's house ;)
Some of the roads just cross the forests. In the wild you never know what can attack you. Beware of the wild animals. And frogs!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Retrospections and plans

(Holy crap - have no idea how did it happen, but I've lost the cabel and I can't transfer the pictures from my camera to my computer... so posts from last month have to wait for a while).

I'm curious how are the others' lives after coming back home...?

I'm still annoyed with everything back here in my country, although step by step I'm starting to cope with all this mess.. (sounds crazy, I know).
Uni, job, friends, some new ideology of life - and Poland can be at least tolerable (Yeah, I'm sober, I'm completely aware of my words right now ;]).
And what's more - in contrast with Espańa :P- we have already some real real spring here, no (dutch) rain ! :)

BUT: I miss cycling, I miss my bike and well done bikepaths.
(To be a cyclist here equals death on the street. I'm not going to risk like that ;) )

While walking on the streets I often have this strange feeling, that I can see someone from Nijmegen - few days ago I thought I "saw" Guillermo, Bennet, yesterday - Steff. Obsession? Maybe I just get use to some things too quickly.

Oh, for those who still haven't seen the Nijmegen movie - the link to youtube (Gosh, even some dutch girl watched it! : ).. : part 1:

and part 2 :

I will keep writing in english, especially for Steffi, cause she loves my blog and I know she would be very very disappointed, if I would just switch into polish-useless-language. Maybe soon I will also write special parts in german :P (vielleicht in 2-3 Monaten, weil ich muss etwas mehr lernen :O I think I need a teacher like Moritz Bleibtreu - then everything would be much much easier, hehe:D )

Oooh, and I joined Erasmus Student Network, it will have it's anniversary on April 20th - there will be a huge party in a tram in my city ! 4 sure i will take photos and put here so that you can see erasmus people in Poland ;] But no mentors needed so far.. I will have a chance to use my role model (Bram) maybe next year...:P

everybody - HI FIVE !!!!!