First was DE STRATEMAKERSTOREN. It was really big bastion in the past, securing the gateway to the city (like a defensive tower). In the course of time it was damaged, so that what survived till this day is just the little remain. It was built in 16th century, made of stone and brick. In the end of 18th century it lost its importance. From the end of 18century the houses and many buildings were built next to bastion.
That's the model of the bastion
The corridor with a lot of loopholes and shooting holes for riffels and cannons. Walls are in some points even 3, 5 m thick.
This guy and his friend were tryin to shoot someone !
Well dug by people in 18th century. The water is still there.
There was also small store-room, with lots of wines and food. Unfortunately for me - fake one.
One thing made to commemorate the plague of pest (the black death)...
Doctor and two victims of the plague, accompanied by rats.... :( Doctor wearing special mask, to avoid infection from ill people.
They guy laying on the bed looked terrifying - he had open wound on his leg and was also yellow. This part of bastion made us feel like we would be really in 1666. We decided not to spend there too much time, just in case... ;)
As the guidebook says - the mystery of the name of the museum is still unsolved. Literally it means "Road Workers Tower"....
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