Sunday, July 20, 2008

LIBERTIES - you should be glad you're alive !

As a tourists we didn't know the city at all before we arrived. It's a common knowlede that every city has its own dodgy areas you wouldn't like to discover alone at night. Especially when you are a girl.

Like Nowa Huta in Krakow, like Baluty in Lodz, like Praga in Warsaw, like Brooklyn in NY, like Barric xino in Barcelona... Dublin has its worst area called Liberties. We've just found out that the street we live at is in.... Liberties.

People react differently when we tell them where we live. 

People at work said "Well.. don't worry, it's not THAT bad..". Randomly met people say: "Jesus, you should be glad you're still alive!" or "how come you're still alive?". We were hoping that maybe there's some other worse area... but no. Yesterday we heard, that liberties is definitely the worst XD

However, we are not too worried. Everything seems to be fine so far XD  But check daily news just in case, cause if it was too late we won't be able to let anybody now about any harm :P

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