In Auschwitz we took a guide and travelled around the camp with a group of tourists from different countries.
It was the first visit for me, although I always wanted to go there. It was really shocking, especially when I red many books with reminiscences and stories of people who survived this hell...
The death camp consists of two parts - Auschwitz and Birkenau, which is 3 km far from Auschwitz. We spent there only few minutes, otherwise we wouldn't make it on a train to Lodz.
Not much to say - it's all about to see, how people could harm other people in very brutal way. Unbelievable :(
"Arbeit macht frei" - the work sets free. The death camp is full of cynical sentences...
In Birkenau the internal railway was built, where massively Jewish and polish people were arriving. They were either killed immediately or taken to the sheds, as a labour.
The train turned out to have an hour delay, and the weather was becoming worse and worse. In the end, we got to Lodz, sitting in the corridor in the train because of the lack of free seats. We had fun though.
Mariona brought a lot of spanish specialities from home, the best gift I could get :) mniam mniam :)
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