Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Catalan Noia in Poland - DAY 1 Warsaw

Hdschhh !

So here she is !
Mariona catched the occasion and came to Poland. I guess it was good after so many weeks of hard studying for exam.

On Wednesday we didn't have much time to spend in capital, so we just went to the city thanks to Martin, who offered his hospitality.

We wandered around the old town a bit.

The President's Palace
The Church in the old town

The Mermaid
The grave of the Yong Soldires who dided in the upraising of Warsaw.

Afterwards we went to a few pubs, in one of them, where all the food and snacks were for 8 zl and all the drinks for 4 zl, we ate and drunk polish specialities :)

Tatar (the fresh meet with onion, salt and pepper) and gelly with meet (I suppose it was boiled pork meet), what we call "Cold legs" (Usually the meet is taken from the pig's legs).
Mariona and the menu in the background.

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