Friday, December 08, 2006

B-DAY PARTY in cafe Piecken / Hoogeveldt

First of all - WELCOME JORDI !!! Jordi (Mariona's Bro) and Mariona were the first people I met in Lent. Jordi came here in August with Mariona and spent few days in Nijmegen. We all remembered him ("cheeky boy"!) and were waiting for his next visit. And here He is - Jordi came on thursday for couple of days. Hope He will enjoy :)


Friday was a very nice day.

Just when I got back home from uni I found marvelous boquet of pink roses on the table - THANK YOU LISA !!! Xxx
Long time ago I planned a birthday party with girls, who also have birthday on 10th of December (3 girls - it's amazing, because I've never met anyone who has got birthday on the same day what me). Ruairi joined us, although he is not erasmus he hangs out with erasmus people.

First photo: Monika and me, second: (from left) Mahal (Spain), me, Monika (Poland) and Joana (Majorca)
We didn't have to pay anything for renting the cafe - the owners had opportunity to earn extra money, so the more people the better for them - they even did the cleaning after party.

Monika and me bought pink wigs one week ago and we all had tiaras. Ruairi decided to have a wig too - he looked great ! :D

Joana, Me, Monika, Mahal and Ruairi on the top (all girls born on 10th of december !!!)

Party started at 9. for us - others came much later, around midnight it was really crowded.
We had small accident last night. Monica had all the birthday cakes in her room. Unfortunately she ost her keys, so there was no way to get to her room (nobody has seond key). The only reasonable (at that moment..) solution, was simply to break in. And so we did. Ruairi is really good kicker :D

yeah, remember don't tell dutch people to write anything in polish on your bday cake, they just don't get anything correctly. ;)

Well, we got the cakes, but the door is damaged. Hopefully Monica won't have any serious problems :( The worst in this story is that the keys were finally found (in the plastic bag with food... who would've thought it was there... :?/). Cakes were very good and well done!

Next year... repetition?

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