One life. One mind. Thousands of places to see. Places that have existed for years and will exist long after you're gone. Journey is magic. The whole world's there for you to discover it and it's only up to you where your feet take you! Interested where mine took me? I'll be more than happy if my journeys could inspire you even a little!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I'M 22 !!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
B-DAY PARTY in cafe Piecken / Hoogeveldt

Monday, December 04, 2006
jak ja lubię obserwowac ludzi...
Chlopak na przeciwko prowadzac konwersacje z kolegami wlasnie pare sekund temu najpierw dłubał w nosie, następnie owa zdobycz spozył.
I to nie pierwszy raz widze cos takiego. Co najmniej dwunasty.
Holendrzy to straszne swinie!!!!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
BERLIN !!!!!!
On Thursday, 23rd of Nov. we woke up very early (I slept only for 3 hours), at 4am.
Due to some accident in Arnhem on the day before we had to take some longer way to Deventer (or something like that..). We were in Berlin about 2-3pm.
The hostel was very nice - in the restored old factory. It's called DIE FABRIK.
Anna and me shared a room with two nice dutch girls - Anniek and Roos.
Our teacher, Barbara Hooper (She's from L.A.) was our guide on the first day - she wanted to show us some parts of Berlin. She explained us some things bout Alexanderplatz,
On our way we've seen the World Clock:
Or in the bar, I was taing photos with a flesh, Barbara suddenly asked: "Hey, people, where is this light coming from??" :DDD
She's cuuuute !!!!!
From the left: Anna, me, Barbara
Ok ok, on the next day the real drudgery begun!
We took lots of photos of the buildings in Berlin.
Let's have a look at some of them:
On friday night we went to some bar, which turned out to be some kind of coffie shop. We bought water pipe, with shisha inside (what the hell is that? Smelled like Mango, I tried it, but wasn't too delicious... what do people smoke it for????).
On Saturday we went to see REICHSTAG (Thanks to TIM !!!). It was INCREDIBLE !
We've been explained what all the buildings are by guide.
I've seen Brandenburgen Tor (1st time in my life, although I've been in Berlin twice... embarassing..I know ;]) .
We were wandering with Anna and taking photos. SOme of them below:
On saturday night (as the last one) we wanted to go somewhere for longer. But we could find anything. FInally, we split into two groups and went to some pub with dancefloor... Unfortunately it turned out inside, that it's Russian night !!! The music was horrible. We were some kind of attraction for germans, they could try their english with us ;)
On sunday we went with Anna to western part of Berlin, which I remembered from last year. It was very nice. We had some small sweet lunch in Kamps cafe.
Afterwards we went to climb Column of Victory which stands on the vast platz, Love Parade anually takes place right there. The view from top was astonishing !!!
Way back was nice, although we couldn't sleep too much.
Berlin was very nice but much more dangerous than Netherlands and much more cheap than Netherlands. It's weird, but I didn't want to go back to Lent. I rather wanted to go to Poland..Maybe because tough period is beginning? Exams..papers.. ehhh...
MISSION BERLIN: accomplished :D
Monday, November 27, 2006
First we visited the ATOMIUM, building which Brussels is very famous for.
We also checked it inside and took marvelous photos from the top sphere.
Mini Europe was the tourist attraction just next to the atomium but instead of going there, we just took a photo from above ;)
Inside looks a lil' bit like sexmission, isn't it?:)
The center of the city itself was very very nice, first thing we did, was a visit in the Museum of history of Brussels. We couldn't take the photos, so there's nothing more to see, beside the front facade. On the photo below also old town can be seen (Grote Markt)
We also took a photo of a sculpture of Manneken Pis, a small peeing boy, which is a beloved symbol of Brussels (I don't know why, for me it's just another peeing fountain...). But people are crazy about this small detail of architecture. Enjoy.
We visited museum of chocolate, where we could also try some chocolates, see how an old man makes it and read a bit about the cocoa nuts and see the chocolate sculptures. Of course we couldn't take a photos inside.
Modern underground station (these metal pipes are constructed in a special way to unable them movement, but as I was standing there for 5 min , I didn't notice any movement..)
There are plenty of tiny streets in the old town, with many bars and restaurants. Waiters were almost pulling our hands to invite us to eat something in their restaurants, promising free drinks or second meal on house. Freaky!!!
Two bars which are called with my two favorite words: Copacabana (like 4 km long beach in Brasil) and Papillon (what means "butterfly" - the title of my favourite movie, based on the book, true story).
Beautiful St. Michael's Cathedral, looks like ideal place for wedding.
We were also in the beautiful shopping mall
Old England Store -Designed and constructed from 1898-99, with Paul Saintenoy as the architect. After years of neglect and losing much of its Art Nouveau detailing, this former department store has undergone a stunning renovation, reopening as a Musical Instrument Museum in 2000 (source: internet)
In the end some random photos, I don't really remember what these buildings are. Probably I'll never know that, because ISN didn't provide any information about anything, so we were just passing some probably popular buildings not even knowing that. Whatever. SOme of them are below.
All in all - it was nice. But it was my last trip with crazy driver Martijn and ISN. PEACE!