Wednesday, December 02, 2009

TASMANIA 29/10 - 04/11/2009


Distance: 2000 km
Time: 7 days
Route: Hobart - Lake Gordon - Derwent Bridge - Queenstown - Launceston - St Helens - Swansea - Sorrell - Port Arthur - Hobart

Vehicle: Toyota RAV 4
Team: 4 ppl (1 m, 3 f)


Tasmania - Australia's smallest state. An amazing place, extremely quiet, diverse and enourmously rich in wilderness. It guarantees breathtaking views !

We drove around Tassie starting and finishing in Hobart (clockwise) -

Western part of Tasmania is a perfect place for unlimited explorations for those who have enough time, proper equipment (i.a. caravans, enough water, food and petrol).
Even though we managed to discover only a fraction of this area, getting to Lake Gordon and as far as to Queenstown (including a scenic drive between Derwent Bridge and Queenstown) - we saw really amazing areas.

The North is more urbanized as for Tasmania- there's plenty of small towns and ports, with the gateway to Australian mainland - Devonport.

Eastern Tasmania on the other hand, has beautiful bays and beaches (Bay of Fires, Freicynet Peninsula with Wineglass Bay and Oyster Bay).

Most of Tasmanian land constitutes National Parks (special entry pass required).

It is an amazing feeling, when you look around and see nothing but pristine, untouched nature and hear nothing but the sound of wind, ocean, animals and your own breath....

Unfortunately I only have time now to share some pictures, hopefully soon I will build this post up and add more detailed description of our adventures.


St Helens
Policeman's Bay
Bay of Fires

Getting to Hobart
Gordon Dam
lake Dobson
Salmons' Farm
Cruise / Hobart - North Bruny Island

The Hastings Caves
port Arthur


St Helens


Bay of Fires

Cradle Mountain
Bush fire

Gordon Dam

Sunday, October 11, 2009

ENJOY & REMEMBER - moments / let's go sentimental

Lasek - randomly met half polish hald australian guy, rescued by us (he was just about to jump to the harbour)

View from our superior room XD

Chang.. relaxing in the sand.

how friendly those animals are.

Pebbly Beach

check us out. guess what letters we tried to create

keep missin' !

Future Music Festival w/Carmen

Doing/trying to do Yoga
it's Good to meet old friends randomly.. /

bavarian beer cafe

Dust Storm / some thought it's a fire/ some thought it was the end of the world.

Getting bored on the station...

Exploring the city / p & y

check out my new car !

I'm always trying to surround myself with honest people who express their feelings towards me clearly.

Can't remember the name - but this brazilian food was yummy.
Below - Author of emails that make me laugh out loud in the office -thanks Karina !

Kristina you are more polish than german !
you belong to the East

Thanks for making life in Syd happier and more adventourous. Thanks for different points of view and many more!

Andrew - don't let her have a bad influence on you. Try to take advantage of her disability ! ;)

I always thought there's not enough bins in this city..

Ritmo !


Lavender Bay - :)

Emergency?: ulep sobie kubek z puszki po red bull'u :X

.....chwile ulotne chwytam jak sygnał satelita...


Życie falami tsunami
Zalewa doznaniami i bodźcami


Życie nasze składa się z krótkich momentów
Cudownych chwil czy przykrych incydentów

Niczego nie przegapię
Wszystkie je łapię

